Big Hole Arch

     Yesterday, I went to a really cool arch with my mom and sister. We went to BIG HOLE ARCH. We found some really cool little arches on the way to the big one. It was a usually very popular hike, but when we went it was nice. For such a well manicured trail I didn't expect the arch to be hard to find. Let's just say, I WAS WRONG! It took a little effort, but we managed to get the the beautiful arch. Very cool arch. If you're ever in the area, then, stop on by!

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  1. From Mom-I really liked this arch. It was a challenge finding it because it wasn't on a trail, but we also didn't know what we were looking for. Thanks for persisting and being the one to spy the arch in the distance.

  2. Wow! What a huge tunnel into the heart of the mountain. You certainly are seeing things that very few people get to see in their lives. Great job hiking! You three are all so tough! I think these hikes might kill me if I went!

  3. You sure do know how to make a goofy face!


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