Julie of the Wolves Book Report

     Julie of the Wolves is a book about an Eskimo girl who runs away to the cold tundra. She is thirteen years old. Her mother is dead and no one knows where her father is. Julie's Eskimo name is Miyax. Miyax meets wolves and tries to communicate with them. She lives of the land and tries to find Point Hope. Miyax has a pen pal named Amy. 

The author of this book is named Jean Craighead George. I love her books so much! They're usually about nature and living in the wilderness. The end is always unpredictable. I am not disappointed but am very pleased with her books. I love nature and what it brings. Her books make me more grateful for what I have. I suggest reading Julie of the Wolves. You should check out her other books too! Tell me if you like them! 


  1. Replies
    1. From Mom,
      I enjoyed doing a novel unit with you and reading this book together. There were some parts of this story that really made me stop and think about what I would do in similar situations. It also makes me appreciative for the comforts and love in our home.

      I like Jean Craighead George's style of writing. We have read many of her books together, and I enjoy her use of nature and animals to create thoughtful stories.

  2. I have not read this book. It sounds great! I am glad you enjoy this type of story. She is resourceful and brave, and that is exactly how I see you!

  3. Leah that is a great book report. It sounds like an intriguing book. Did she find Point Hope? I like adventure books too.

  4. I remember reading this book when I was young - I think I most particularly remember because I thought it was gross that she could eat regurgitated food that the wolf provided? to help her survive? I remember it being pretty good. What was your favorite part?


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