Raven Run

Wednesday 20th I went hiking at Raven Run. I set a goal to organize and plan 1 hike a month. This is the first hike I've done so far for my goal. We went about 2 miles. It was only about a 30 minute drive to get there. It was beautiful. The cascades were rushing. It was a little chilly out, but it was still pretty. It felt like a fairy tale. We even saw some deer. I'm also making a scrapbook for my hikes. I hope you will find some time this week to go out and enjoy nature. Have a great day!


  1. This is beautiful. Way to go on staying healthy and enjoying beauty whenever you can. I walked 4 miles today in about 27 degree weather - thermals are so nice. I saw 5 deer in my backyard last Thursday night, but no pictures to share. I'm going snow shoeing next Saturday if we can just find some snow, and I'll send you a pic then. Thanks for sharing! Love, Debbie

  2. Hi Leah! I love the description you wrote for your hike. It was magical. I am also glad you are setting goals and exercising. Great job! I am very proud of you!

  3. Sounds like a fun day! Good planning job Leah. Does Stephanie ever get cold??


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