Wacky Word Wednesday 3

     Today is Wacky Word Wednesday. Last time we did Wacky Word Wednesday we did the word aurochs. I picked the word copse. The definition of copse is a small group of trees. Here is an example: Have you ever seen a copse

    If you have any questions about the word copse please put them in the comments. 



  1. Is there a corpse in the copse? That would be creepy, like the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Look out for the headless horseman!

  2. And I learned another word! Let's see if I can remember it. I had to look back to remind myself about aurochs. I guess I have a lot on my mind. Thanks for the education Leah!

  3. Hi Leah
    That's a cool word. What do you like about the copse?

  4. Martha Patten-Yes.

    I think it has to do with a grouping—like a copse of trees? I look forward to Wacky Word to find out for sure! Thanks, Leah!

  5. Grandma Fligge-real cute but, I've been trying to incorporate copse into my daily conversations and have had a dickens of a time not triggering a BLM rant.🤔

  6. From Mom-Is that a picture of a copse that we took, or is it from the internet?

  7. I'm pretty sure that we took it. Maybe.

  8. I learned something new!


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